Eyesight is considered to be one of the major sense organs. Considering that at work with aviation training apparatus it is necessary for pilot to recreate a situation as much as possible approached to a reality, modern developers give a lot of attention to visualization training apparatus. Similar systems allow to simulate outside the cabin conditions and to change it depending on plane maneuvers. Spatial co-ordinates, orientations (normal) and colour are thus considered. All it in a complex promotes the most effective training and preparation for conditions of the present flight.
The main objective by working out of training apparatus of this kind is reduced not simply to reproduction of pictures and dynamical change of a visual number. The important task - to provide correct perception with the pilot of all images. With that end in view today use two basic types of training apparatus of visualization. The first in the work applies projective system. It is necessary to notice that it possesses a number of lacks. In particular, it is a question that rays of light of each point of projected object in regular intervals disperse from the screen extensively. As a result the pilot should adapt eyes on distance in some centimeters. As in real flight subjects are located practically in infinity, at working off of the skills demanding accurate representation about surrounding conditions (for example, a plane landing), it is more expedient to use training apparatus with Optical collimation the device. In this case beams move a parallel bunch, creating illusion that the object is located very far from the observer. A unique minus of training apparatus of this kind is absence of possibility to receive review big fields in a vertical direction.
Now manufacturers and developers of training apparatus of visualization offer a wide range of names of production which answers the purposes, problems and possibilities of the concrete aviation-educational centers. Experience of similar cooperation is available and for CKT Company Ltd. , therefore we with pleasure offer you the services which have been checked up by time!